What Clients Say About Analytic Mindfulness

It's an honor and constant inspiration to guide individuals and couples on their journey toward growth, healing, and self-discovery. At the end of our journey together, I ask all of my clients to describe their experience with analytic mindfulness freely and post it on Google Reviews. Here is what they have to say about our journey together.

Note: To ensure privacy, names and photos have been anonymized. The content of the reviews remains unaltered.


Five out of five stars

“A loving, peaceful way of relating to myself”

What is impressive is that my energy balance has more capacity for other, more important things in life. With each session I get to know, understand and accept myself, with the result that I'm OK and don't need to change who I am. A loving, peaceful way of relating to myself that translates to how I interact with the outside world. Today, I experience encounters with warm-hearted people, which was unimaginable for me. These experiences and events increase my self-confidence. The extraordinary support from Mr. Venutti exceeds my expectations, which I would not want to miss.

— Sarah M.


Five out of five stars

“A place that helps me to translate and understand myself and the world around me”

2 years ago I understood that I am actually highly sensitive. Up to this point, the high sensitivity had many downsides and I had great difficulties for a long time. With Mr. Venutti, I have found someone who is always there for me, someone who helps me to translate and understand myself and the world around me.

I have never seen work with such passion and dedication and a person like me being treated with such respect and care. I am deeply grateful for this experience and my growth that I was able to experience here. Thank you.

— Martin S.


Five out of five stars

“Miraculously helps build an emotional immune system and brings about a state of inner peace”

I find Zensitively to be a very special place that has been changing me and my life in a very enriching way for over two years. In particular, the humanity and admirable expertise of Mr. Venutti inspires me again and again and sparks a thirst for knowledge in me that continuously fuels and strengthens me. I have never experienced so much compassion and authenticity anywhere else.

Working with Mr. Venutti paves the way to being able to get in touch with yourself and your own emotions, feelings and sensations and to learn the strength to endure. In addition, many valuable techniques are provided, which, coupled with a blunt look at social conditioning and getting in touch with one's emotions, miraculously help build an emotional immune system and bring about a state of inner peace. I am very grateful to have found this healing and special place!

— Barbara W.


Five out of five stars

“I wouldn't be the person I am today”

It's hard to put into words how much working with Mr. Venutti changed and is still changing my life. Working together for more than four years not only helped me to overcome a heavy blow of fate, but also helped me to develop to a new level personally. The emotional support I have experienced from working together is priceless and unique. Perspectives, reflections, and views outside of the obvious created clarity, awareness and realism. You could say it's an eye-opening experience.

Through working together, I not only worked on my personal growth, but also gained important insights into love, interpersonal relationships or friendship. All of this leads to a different life: more understanding and more clarity for the behavior, reactions or intentions of my fellow human beings.

Long story short: without working with Mr. Venutti I wouldn't be the person I am today. I have already walked a long path and I am inspired, awake and full of anticipation for everything that lies ahead. I feel a deep gratitude for all the valuable experiences. Thank you very much.

— Thomas B.


Five out of five stars

“The most formative and valuable personal development phase for me so far”

The time with Mr. Venutti represents the most formative and valuable personal development phase for me so far. Mr. Venutti continually manages to use his impressive judgment for, among other things, personal circumstances and behavior in a way that is both appreciative and crystal clear. With a little distance, I have to recognize that it seems to be this unconditional passion for his profession, the neutrality of his nature and person, that offered me no projection surface, distraction or excuses not to focus exclusively on myself.

It was so valuable and brought into focus many things in life and being with loved ones that should actually be so clear. I am eternally grateful for this and for the wonderful effect it has had!

— Joseph R.

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